Friday 1 November 2013

Sexy senses

November 2, 2013.

Welcome to My Sexy Saturday for Week #23!

This is a fun blog hop where writers post either 7 words, 7 sentences, or 7 paragraph of their work. It's open to both new and veteran authors, who are encouraged to share from either published material or works in progress.

This week, we're being asked to share some of the things our characters find sexy in each other.

I've chosen 7 short paragraphs from the first novel in my Black Virgin Trilogy. In this scene from Cult of the Black Virgin (which, by the way, has been reinstated on Amazon after being banished for mysterious reasons) Joanna is being seduced through her senses. Unsure about committing to her American boyfriend, she finds herself falling for a Frenchman while touring the beautiful Doedogne Valley in south-western France.

Luc stimulates all 5 of her senses, and whenever he's near she becomes hyper-aware of everything else around her. And then she looks at him...

Here's the excerpt:

Now, twenty-four hours after tearfully kissing James goodbye at the Gare du Nord train station, Jo took a deep breath of country air and sneaked another peek at Luc.
I feel good. I feel really good.
In fact, she was beginning to feel better than she’d felt in months. And that, she knew, did not bode well for a future with James.
Lying on the soft riverbank after her meal, she closed her eyes and moved into the present moment. She concentrated on listening. She could hear the rushing water of the river. Intermittent birdsong. The bark of a dog in the distance. A murmured conversation from one of the married couples sitting close by. Then she focused on trying to discern different scents. The warm grass smelled earthy and alive. The air moving over her from the flowing river was heavy with sweet moisture.
Ah, it is indeed good to be alive in this wonderful place, full of beauty and promise.
Suddenly she picked up a new scent—the deep, musky smell of a male animal. Her eyes shot open and she saw Luc crouching near her on the grass. Her entire body quivered as she studied the muscles of his legs, then quickly looked up to his teasing eyes. He was smiling at her again.
“I hope I’m not disturbing you, Joanna, but some of us are going to take a little dip before getting back on the trail. Will you join us?”

This is a blog hop, so check out the other authors here.

1 comment:

  1. It always surprises me how many peeps forget how sensual smell can be. Nothing is better than a good smelling man or woman for that matter. :D
