But my excuses are good ones. First, the old standby--I've been too busy. Between guests from places as far away as England and New Zealand, helping people move house, birthday, anniversary and other celebrations, and preparing for a two-week road trip through the Rockies, it's been hectic.
Oh--did I mention the writing? And the editing? My newest release is due out in 5 days, and last-minute edits were chewing up a big chunk of my precious time. But I think that's all done now, and I can only hope that I didn't miss too many picky little errors in my manuscript. Gift of the Black Virgin is the last of the Black Virgin Trilogy, and wraps up the erotic adventures of my American heroine, Joanna, and her French lover, Luc. Needless to say, they come together for a really big happily-ever-after.
As for the next project, I've just signed a series contract with eXtasy Books for another set of erotic romances. Tracking Tor is the name of the series, and the stories are based on my travels through the Middle East. It features a contemporary Danish Viking--Torval--and Julie, a History major who steals his heart.
Book One is called Mirage, and takes place in exotic Syria (before the current conflicts, of course). Book Two is Oasis, and is set in Jordan. The third book, River, is set in Egypt and Denmark.
But I'll have to put my writing aside as we're setting off tomorrow for Whistler Mountain Resort, our first stop on the way to the Rocky Mountains, Calgary, and Drumheller, Alberta.
Maybe I'll meet a couple of cowboys out there in Alberta--inspiration for another series of erotic romances....
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