Friday, 6 December 2013


My Sexy Saturday Week #28.

Happy Saturday everyone! It's time for another round of sexy tidbits from the authors at the My Sexy Saturday blog hop. We each share either 7 words, 7 sentences or 7 paragraphs from a published or in-progress work.

    This week I'm still thinking about what my characters find sexy in each other. A man like Tor in Book One: Mirage of my erotic contemporary romance trilogy, Tracking Tor, is irresistible to Julie. In this scene, they've just made love and since Tor has fallen asleep, she takes the opportunity to feast her eyes.

Tracking Tor, Book One: Mirage will be released soon by eXtasy Books.

Here's my 7 paragraph excerpt:

  When the adhan woke Julie a few hours later, she saw the sun's rays slanting through the shades at a softer angle. One of her arms was asleep, and she extricated it from under Tor's neck, causing him to stir. But he didn't wake up.
  That gave her a chance to study him. His hair had come loose from its tie, and the afternoon light made it glow in golden strands. His lashes were long and dark, the smooth skin of his face brown against the white sheets of the bed.
  She pulled away a little to admire his long back, the dimples on either side of his tailbone, the symmetry of his round buttocks. His legs were long, too, but well-defined, and covered with downy hair.
  She shifted again so she could see the front of his body-- his belly, the hair between his legs, and the now-sleeping penis. Then she looked up to his abs and chest, the symmetrical pattern of soft hair, his corded neck.
  And then right up into his open eyes.
  She blushed.
  "And what do you think you're looking at?" He rolled onto his back, raised his arms and bent them back behind his head, lacing his fingers together. A playful smile teased her as he exposed himself fully to her scrutiny.

Remember that this is a blog hop, so hop on over to the other participants here.

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